The ultimate concern is the very thing which gives a person’s life meaning and purpose. Oftentimes, everyone has an ultimate concern, but the concerns are different. The ultimate concern does demand surrender and if the concern is not God, it makes one’s ultimate concern …show more content…
(2011, June). From Theoretical To Practical: Developing Tillich’s. Lumen et Vita. Retrieved from
Smith, S. (2003). What Is Faith?: An Analysis of Tillich’s ‘Ultimate Concern’. Quodlibet Journal, 5(4). Retrieved from
Antoinette, I agree with your article concerning crime and how it is reported. Many news outlets will not give an accurate depiction on the types of crimes committed. Many crimes are not news worthy or it will not generate public interest. Public interest drives ratings and ratings pay the bills for the news media.
Antoinette, I agree that it is important to comply with the officer’s request and not report what was heard. If that sensitive piece of information was reported, it could hinder the police investigation and there would be another unsolved crime. It would be a tragedy for sensitive information to be reported and the criminal was able to hide from officers because of one reporter’s