Five groups, each consisting of ten participants, took part in Experiment I (Bransford 718). The materials used for the experiment were as following: a picture, describing a situation, a picture partially related to the situation, a passage of the text, experimental sheets. The groups were subdivided into Context Before, Context After, No Context (2 groups) and Partial Context subgroups (Bransford 718). Partial Context subgroups were shown a picture, where the objects were rearranged, but the general situation represented still related to the topic. The results of the experiment …show more content…
These three experiments did not have any pictorial aids, only the topic of the passages was given to some sub-groups. The materials used for these experiments were the passages and the experimental sheets.
In the Experiment II took part 3 groups of students, subdivided into No Topic group, Topic After and Topic Before subgroups (Bransford 722). The topic was given in a written form for Context Before and Context After sub-groups on an experimental sheet. According to the results of the survey, the Topic Before group showed the best results in comprehension and recall of the passage.
Only two subgroups (Topic After and Topic Before) took part in the Experiment III. The main difference between Experiment II and Experiment III was that the passage for the latter was longer and the topic was given by the experimenter orally. The results turned out to be the same as in the Experiment II – the Topic Before group received more points for comprehension and recall of the