into the country. I totally agree to this statement too. Many immigrants come to America hoping to get a better job and to better their life’s and their kid’s life’s. Portes finished his essay by stating that “the short-term economic benefits of immigration are easy to appropriate by the urban firms, ranches, and farms that employ this labor, ensuring their profitability. If the United States wants to keep indulging its addiction to cheap foreign workers, it had better do so with full awareness of what comes next. For immigrants and their children are people, not just labor, and they cannot depends on what happens to these children. The prospect for many, given the obstacles at hand, appears dim.” I don’t entirely agree with this statement, although I wouldn’t argue it for I have no knowledge of the statistics. But from my experience around kids of this generation, I think kids are getting smarter at a younger age and learning at a faster pace than ever before.
into the country. I totally agree to this statement too. Many immigrants come to America hoping to get a better job and to better their life’s and their kid’s life’s. Portes finished his essay by stating that “the short-term economic benefits of immigration are easy to appropriate by the urban firms, ranches, and farms that employ this labor, ensuring their profitability. If the United States wants to keep indulging its addiction to cheap foreign workers, it had better do so with full awareness of what comes next. For immigrants and their children are people, not just labor, and they cannot depends on what happens to these children. The prospect for many, given the obstacles at hand, appears dim.” I don’t entirely agree with this statement, although I wouldn’t argue it for I have no knowledge of the statistics. But from my experience around kids of this generation, I think kids are getting smarter at a younger age and learning at a faster pace than ever before.