In the op-ed piece “Let Them Eat Dog” published in the Wall Street Journal on October 31st, 2009, author and journalist Jonathan Safran Foer, discusses the moral reasoning of eating certain kinds of animals. Foer states eating dog is a cultural choice, which inspires the readers to think why they select the animals they eat. Then, he argues how a dog, “man’s best friend” is not that different from a pig. By giving examples of different eating habits and historical evidence of dog eating among different countries, and how people interpret dog eating differently, Foer establishes eating dog is justified by culture. According to him, dog eating also has an ecological benefit to the environment, because a large number
In the op-ed piece “Let Them Eat Dog” published in the Wall Street Journal on October 31st, 2009, author and journalist Jonathan Safran Foer, discusses the moral reasoning of eating certain kinds of animals. Foer states eating dog is a cultural choice, which inspires the readers to think why they select the animals they eat. Then, he argues how a dog, “man’s best friend” is not that different from a pig. By giving examples of different eating habits and historical evidence of dog eating among different countries, and how people interpret dog eating differently, Foer establishes eating dog is justified by culture. According to him, dog eating also has an ecological benefit to the environment, because a large number