The Book of Luke Chapter 3 starts with describing John the Baptist, and his interactions with preaching the Gospel to those who pass by. He then rebukes Herod and is then locked up in prison. Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist, whom is his cousin. At the end of the chapter there is a specific list of the genealogy of Jesus starting from Joseph all the way back to Adam and God in the beginning of creation.
The Book of Luke within the Hebrew Bible goes over at the end of Luke chapter 3 it traces Jesus’ genealogy from himself, his father Joseph and so on. By the end of the list it reads “son of Adam, the son of God.” Within the time that Jesus came to earth, the Jews were awaiting for the Messiah. This Messiah would be a symbol in the Jew’s political and social stance would be recognized. The Messiah would take the Jews out of the oppression of the Roman Empire in which there would be freedom. However, what they were not expecting was the son of …show more content…
It also shows how we are from God in the sense of His handiwork in the creation of humans. The concept of the genealogy of Jesus is a concept that is important within not just the study of scripture. This is also important for the study of which we as humans come from. In terms the course theme of where do we come from. Not only do we come from God, we also come from purpose. Within the genealogy of Jesus’ relatives, he comes from a long line of followers of God, whom have accomplished amazing feats with the power of God. Going all the way back to Adam, where he was the first man created, and committed the first sin. However, still had favor with God. Adam’s third son Seth important in a sense that brothers were the first children of the human race, however, he as the last-born was a gift from