
Summary Of Master Cat 'And How Coyote Steals Fire'

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Summary Of Master Cat 'And How Coyote Steals Fire'
Twister Tails “Listen to me each and everyone of you will be cut into little pieces until you look like chopped meat”. This quote came from the trustee tale “master cat” the character that seed this was master cat. Master cat was trying to?make his master look wealthy to impress the king. He wanted to impress the king because he wanted his master to marry the king's daughter. There are many similarities and differences in the two Tristram tails “Master Cat” and “How Coyote Steals Fire”. In the two twister stories “Master Cat” and “How Coyote Steals Fire have both many similarities and differences. In the two twister tales there are many similarities. In both tails all the animals that are involved can talk. In Master Cat there's

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