Paul has a very formulaic way of beginning and ending his letters to all of the communities he writes to. Often times Paul would begin each letter by stating his name then explain that he was called upon by God to do his work. Almost like he is proving to the community he is writing to that he was qualified to give them direction. In 1 Corinthians 1:1 Paul states “Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes.” Sosthenes was probably a person that the Corinthians respected because Paul uses his name and God to give himself more validation with the Corinthian community. I modeled the opening of my letter mainly on this excerpt by saying Paul was “called upon to spread God’s great knowledge”. I then concluded the opening of my letter with “so that we may live unified lives under him. Paul then makes a grand unifying statement about himself and the community as followers of God before actually beginning the body of the …show more content…
Paul appeared to be very focused on unity within the Christian community as a whole so it makes sense that he would try to include diction that conveyed this idea throughout his letters. I also noticed that Paul would start many of his paragraphs with the word “now” sometimes several paragraphs in a row this word most likely served the purpose of emphasizing major issues he addressed throughout the letter. And this is why I began several of my paragraphs with the