however in many ways this issue is still a big concern when dealing with the future of young women.
In todays society common messages that are being taught to boys and girls at such a young age about gender roles is creating images of gender stereotypes and on how they should look and act.
The messages are being given everywhere whether it is on TV, advertisements, games, school, and even at home. Taken for example, on how girl colors should be pink, purple and yellow, how they are suppose to love dolls, and are suppose to love to bake with their mom. Girls are suppose to be seen as pretty, emotional, supportive, and having to rely on men. Where as, boy colors should be blue and green, love playing with trucks, and are suppose to go fishing with their dad. Boys are suppose to be seen as cool, adventurous, independent, and “being the man of the house”. Children tend to adopt their gender identity in their early life and develop preferences on how each gender should play their role. These media messages given out to such young children play such a powerful role in shaping gender norms. Our media these days stresses on girls of today’s society on how to depend on a man and for boys to be strong tough
These messages that are being given out to girls and boys on how they should act and look can impact them in their every day life by putting out expectations on how they should not or should be. Gender biases play a huge role at such a young age by affecting the development and opportunities for these young children in living a successful life. These messages give them a sense of what should be “normal” which is influencing them on how they socialize, express themselves, and develop and understand their own identities. They Influence children to adopt the same narrow perceptions of social roles. It does not allow them to see the abilities they do have and teaches them how to follow the norm. These messages about gender norms cause cyber bullying, hate speech, social pressure to fit in, plays a role on their self-esteem, on choosing their occupations and even their academic performance.
I believe as a society we can address these issues by teaching our children these stereotypes are fake and not to represent the mainstream media that is being shown. We need to give our children the mind that its okay to be who they are, to speak their mind, share their stories, establish ones self. As a society we need to teach the kids of today to idolize good role models in TV, advertisements, books, school, etc. We need to send out a clear message to our kids by pointing out the harmful stereotypes and how they should not portray these false characters. We need to teach our children on how to value more important things beyond trying to stereotype and become part of the norm. We need to show kids their capacity and make them recognize who they really are and want to be.
By teaching our children on positive messages of empowerment beyond their gender this can help end the negative stereotypes and make them less perpetuate the false negative stereotype on how one should be.