The Founding Fathers of the Church concluded that the Pagan people where worshipers of Demons, creating a negative connotation to the religion. St. Augustine was certain that Demons had no morals or virtues and were eager to construct harm by posing as Angels. These Demon Angels would lead people to their own destruction. During this time there came to know the term “Incubi”. Incubi was an incident where woman, in occasions nuns, found themselves polluted as if they had commingled with a man. It was understood that Demons would have sexual intercourse with woman while they were asleep. The obsession of Demons grew when the Pope Innocent VIII declared that both sexes were having intercourse with Evil Angels, however woman were persecuted more. The Founding Fathers of the Church believed in Demons and announced that our own wills become our Demons and that is what is attacking
The Founding Fathers of the Church concluded that the Pagan people where worshipers of Demons, creating a negative connotation to the religion. St. Augustine was certain that Demons had no morals or virtues and were eager to construct harm by posing as Angels. These Demon Angels would lead people to their own destruction. During this time there came to know the term “Incubi”. Incubi was an incident where woman, in occasions nuns, found themselves polluted as if they had commingled with a man. It was understood that Demons would have sexual intercourse with woman while they were asleep. The obsession of Demons grew when the Pope Innocent VIII declared that both sexes were having intercourse with Evil Angels, however woman were persecuted more. The Founding Fathers of the Church believed in Demons and announced that our own wills become our Demons and that is what is attacking