
Summary Of The Gettysburg Address

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Summary Of The Gettysburg Address
Katrina Lee
Miss Millage
PreIB English 1
Speech Analysis In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln spoke on the grounds of the Battle of Gettysburg. In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Two different people, of two different colors, in two different time periods, spoke about one specific theme: freedom. Five score years after Lincoln’s speech, “The Gettysburg Address”, took place, MLK’s speech “I Have a Dream” still fought for the same thing. Both speeches were delivered at places of historical importance. Coincidentally, King delivered it at Lincoln Memorial, which can infer their similar goals for the nation. Both men sought reform and knew the only way to achieve it was if the nation worked together as a whole. The repetition of “we” throughout both speeches emphasized that reform couldn’t just be coming from a couple people, but it had to be from the people of the United States as one. The repetition is shown in the quotes “We cannot dedicate – we cannot consecrate – we cannot hallow – this ground” (Lincoln) and “As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.” (King) The method by which they show the past, present, and future in their speeches is meant for the audience to learn
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Dr. King sought social and cultural reform; he had empathy for those being persecuted because he was a member of that group and had his own bitter experiences. He showed his pathos side, passion and emotion, by saying, “I have a dream.” Lincoln, on the other hand, sought political reform. He had sympathy for those who sacrificed their lives at war. He wasn’t the one who had to struggle, but he understood what they went through. He used logic by laying out the speech in chronological order. “Four score and seven years ago… Now we are engaged in a great civil war.”

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