This is especially necessary as each individual is essentially their own truth or phenomenon. However, the progressive movements that led to the creation of social work constricted the client-social worker relationship in different ways. This view helped to reshape the original view of social work that limited the client-centered approach of viewing and meeting the client where they are. The new view helped shape the helping relationship and starting what seems to me to be the generalist intervention model: from the beginning of the helping process to the termination of the helping
This is especially necessary as each individual is essentially their own truth or phenomenon. However, the progressive movements that led to the creation of social work constricted the client-social worker relationship in different ways. This view helped to reshape the original view of social work that limited the client-centered approach of viewing and meeting the client where they are. The new view helped shape the helping relationship and starting what seems to me to be the generalist intervention model: from the beginning of the helping process to the termination of the helping