References: Brill, N. (1990). Working with people: The helping process. (4th ed.) White Plains, NY: Longman, Inc. Chao, E., & Orr, L. (2002). Occupational outlook handbook. (2002-2003 ed.) Superintendent of Documents, U.S Clinical social worker: career search. (2002). Retrieved November 01, 2002, from Cohen, B. (1999). Intervention and supervision in strengths-based social work practice. The Journal of Contemporary Human Services 80, no Johnson, L. (1995). Social work practice: A generalist practice. (5th ed.). Allyn and Bacon, Singapore: Library of Congress Cataloging Pieper, M. (1999). The privilege of being a therapist: a fresh perspective from intrapyschic humanism on caregiving intimacy and the development of the Roberts, A., & Greene, G. (2002) Social workers ' desk reference. Oxford Press, Athens: Oxford Press, Inc. Skidmore, R., Thackeray, M., & Farley, O. (1994). Introduction to social work. (6th ed.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc. US-CA-San Diego-licensed clinical social worker-(MFCC or MFT). (2002). Retrieved November 01, 2002, from US-CT-Danbury/Bridgeport-clinical social worker. (2002). Retrieved November 01, 2002, from US-OH-Cincinnati-social worker/therapist. (2002). Retrieved November 01, 2002, from
References: Brill, N. (1990). Working with people: The helping process. (4th ed.) White Plains, NY: Longman, Inc. Chao, E., & Orr, L. (2002). Occupational outlook handbook. (2002-2003 ed.) Superintendent of Documents, U.S Clinical social worker: career search. (2002). Retrieved November 01, 2002, from Cohen, B. (1999). Intervention and supervision in strengths-based social work practice. The Journal of Contemporary Human Services 80, no Johnson, L. (1995). Social work practice: A generalist practice. (5th ed.). Allyn and Bacon, Singapore: Library of Congress Cataloging Pieper, M. (1999). The privilege of being a therapist: a fresh perspective from intrapyschic humanism on caregiving intimacy and the development of the Roberts, A., & Greene, G. (2002) Social workers ' desk reference. Oxford Press, Athens: Oxford Press, Inc. Skidmore, R., Thackeray, M., & Farley, O. (1994). Introduction to social work. (6th ed.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc. US-CA-San Diego-licensed clinical social worker-(MFCC or MFT). (2002). Retrieved November 01, 2002, from US-CT-Danbury/Bridgeport-clinical social worker. (2002). Retrieved November 01, 2002, from US-OH-Cincinnati-social worker/therapist. (2002). Retrieved November 01, 2002, from