Part One of Elmer Towns’ Concise Bible Doctrines introduces Christian theology by outlining the key pieces of the doctrine to help the reader understand Christianity and faith. Towns begins by saying that the main purpose of Bible doctrine is to communicate the gospel to the people at a point of need. Every man has the same need because every man is cut off from God. Man is born with a sin nature, and because he is less than holy, he is isolated and alienated from God. Death is imminent for everyone, but God communicates through the Bible that through Jesus Christ, man can be saved. The word “gospel” means “good news.” It is the responsibility of every Christian to reach out in relationships to the unsaved in sharing this news, and to other Christians in fellowship. Christians are called to seek God, and study the Bible to learn to know Him better, and worship Him always. Proper worship of God requires faith; the source of which is the Bible. Doctrinal faith is the beginning and the test of Christianity. If our statement of faith is wrong, than our faith is misplaced. Our faith must be grounded on correct knowledge of God. However, intellectual knowledge of God is not enough. Emotional expression and volition are equally important. The Holy Spirit acts on behalf of Jesus Christ to plant faith in a Christian’s heart. He indwells us, and helps us exercise our faith daily. We can grow in our faith by studying God’s word, seeking the Lord, confessing sin, actively following biblical principles, and constantly communicating with God. Faith is ultimately a reliance and trust of God, and the Bible teaches us to rely on Him for everything.…