She gives her readers a list of effects in the opening passage. Then, she looks at two examples, the technological devices, and online personas, to define the effects of the redefining human connection, relationships communication and the community. She does all this in order, to show how each effect of the online personas, she presents is missing some important element of it. At the end, she presents what she feels is a more definitive cause by showing us the outcome of online personas. Her audience appears to be anyone who would be concerned, about the technological devices and online personas with society and/or in themselves. They would have to agree that these online personas are a serious social problem that needs …show more content…
Some people will say, a healthy individual you are able to laugh every day and feeling a sense of purpose in life. “Marriage and family, ties to friends and neighbors, workplace ties, civic engagement, trustworthiness, and trust all appears independently and robustly related to happiness and life satisfaction, both directly and through their impact on health” (Helliwell and Putnam, 2009). In this quote, Helliwell and Putnam, talk about how the online personas become part of the society and it does have some strong effect on health. It does help the society because we can talk and communicate with everyone and everywhere. However, the impact on the growth of being happy is not supposed to be found in the online personas. You can be happy by being content with what you have and what's around you, but not because by technology