
Summary Of Toxic Masculinity

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Summary Of Toxic Masculinity
Aggression from Verona to High School The article “The Dangerous Effects of Toxic Masculinity” written by Sarah Sheppard, describes toxic masculinity as ““a concept used to define unhealthy and often traditional characteristics or attributes associated with men. men should be protectors, breadwinners, or leaders; or associating men with anger, selfishness, and aggression can be problematic and damaging”” (Sheppard). Sheppard describes toxic masculinity as what a portion of people believe a man should traditionally be. This means that the man in a relationship should be the breadwinner and the leader of a household. If men believe this, they are exemplifying toxic masculinity.Particularly, these harmful masculine ideas can cause men to be aggressive …show more content…
In spite of that, he is one of, if not the best swordsman in Verona, but it is still not an adequate idea. This is shown later when Tybalt is killed by Romeo. Tybalt's first reaction was to resort to violence. Violence is a trait of toxic masculinity, because Tybalt wants to remain at the top of the food chain in Verona. He wants to be the macho-man, the supreme swordsman. To do this he assumes he has to scrimmage with anyone who opposes him in any sort of way, so this quirk makes him display toxic masculinity. During the Capulet party, Romeo was spotted there by Tybalt and he describes,” Now, by the stock and honor of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a sin” (Shakespeare, 1.5, 56-57). Romeo initially goes to the Capulet party to pursue his love interest, Rosaline, until he spots Juliet. While Romeo is at this party, he is spotted by Tybalt. Tybalt believes it is disrespectful of him to be there. His first thought was to use violence to get rid of what he deems to be a threat. So why is that a bad idea?Tybalt is an impulsive man. This impulsiveness would catch up with him and soon be his …show more content…
Tybalt from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is the epitome of toxic masculinity. Tybalt’s impulsive decision making caused him and others grief. His masculine ego led him to believe he was at the top of the food chain in Verona. His rationale behind this is not actually horrendous. In the play, Tybalt is described as an excellent swordsman, and it was shown when he killed Mercutio. Although an angered Romeo was able to end his reign of terror, he still had a reasonable platform to believe he was at the top of the food chain. Even with this excuse, Tybalt's impulsive decision to fight anyone who opposes him is undeniably a poor idea. His inability to see the bigger picture unfortunately caused his ultimate demise. On the other hand, Andy Evans’ downfall comes from his masculine ego. He believed he was better than everyone and he could do whatever he pleased. This is when, at a party, he sexually assaulted Melinda. Melinda was traumatized by this, so the reader learned of her trauma. So every time she saw him and his masculine confidence, it caused her to freeze up. Finally, he confronts Melinda, telling people the truth and them finally believing her. The reader truly sees his vicious and forceful self. Andy’s downfall is similar and different

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