In the film “Under the Same Moon” the story of Rosario and Carlitos relates to the story of my mother and my brother. My brother was born in mexico, the fact that my mom had little money
and had to maintain her son. She decided to come to the U.S. instead of her coming to the U.S first she sent my brother on his own at five years old. My mother and father weren’t really at the moment but she had sent my brother to my father since he was living in the U.S. I never experienced any of these feelings since i never had to leave my mother behind or her leave me. My mother explained the way she felt knowing her son was going to enter the U.S on his own. After my brother had crossed the border, a few weeks later she crossed to the U.S. My mothers feeling were alike to Rosarios because they both had to be separated from their children. Even though both were for such a short period of time it still felt like years of separation.
I believe the reason Carlitos had so much hope after his mother left him was all the love he has for her. His mother left him for a reason to give him a better life. Carlitos has suffered in many ways but he never gave up on trying to find his mother. We can see the love Rosario has for her son because she would always make sure he called Carlitos and told him how much she loved him. Rosario would send money back to mexico for Carlito's to buy new shoes and have a birthday party so that just shows how much she loved her son.