It is indisputable society has generally labelled those with disabilities as “defective” and “abnormal.” As such, society believes these “sub-par” humans cannot perform a task a “normal” person can. Employment for people with any obvious disabilities, either physical or cognitive, becomes much more difficult because of such perception. It is rather easy to see people with disabilities fall into the minority group especially …show more content…
Instead of being able to control their own lives, those placed in nursing homes are forced to live the way dictated by someone else. This year, Gov. Deal of Georgia budgeted $27 million for “select nursing home owners” and $10 million from that pool goes to two major nursing home companies . Could this have anything to do with the $1 million the industry contributed to the governor’s campaign? Anyway, Billy coined people running the government system as “do-gooders”—they were “heartless” without regards to any difficulties the disabled community …show more content…
We must change our attitude in how we see people with disabilities. By “we” I mean both disabled and non-disabled people. As humans, we naturally try to categorize people and things that are not the same. It is what makes us humans in the cognitive sense. That is why we need to accept the fact that we are “just” different. Similar to the disabled community, the LGBT group, for instance, fights for their civil rights as well. These fights force society to confront what they do not know and, hopefully, some of us will try to understand. As Gandhi wisely said, “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you