These athletes may feel as though they need to use these preforming enhancements just to keep the attention of their fans or to remain the best of the best; however, if you really think about it, we wouldn’t know who they were to begin with if they didn’t already have natural talent.
Moller also says, “Just as the vast majority of people try marijuana at some point in their lives, the vast majority of baseball players have used steroids” (Moller 549).I’m sure there are plenty of people who have tried marijuana, including baseball players; however, if it’s true that the vast majority of baseball players have used steroids, then we can assume that steroid use is just part of being a baseball player. I hope that that isn’t true, because then baseball isn’t really a sport about skill, rather than who can get their hands on the better
In Joe Posnanski’s essay, Cheating and CHEATING, Joe talks about a point that Moller made in his essay about baseball players and steroid use. Joe expresses his view that drug use is a form of cheating and I couldn’t agree more. Posnanski says that, “In other words, it seems more or less the same level of cheating and more or less the same level of wrong” (Posnanski 557). He made this statement after explaining that baseball players has started using amphetamines instead of steroids. It doesn’t matter what drug you use, all of it is cheating as well as being wrong. He also talks about how some players would get these drugs from their doctors. Even if that may be true, I still don’t believe its right. Anything used to enhance your performance, or give you the edge is wrong. It’s a form of cheating and it brings own the integrity of the game and the players that don’t use.
Even though both writers explain and talk about the use of drugs, Moller says the players use because of the pressure they are under, while Posnanski views it as cheating. Moller’s essay came across as an excuse and gave what he believes to be valid reasons for steroid use. On the other hand, Posnanski says that any form of enhancements is cheating and explains that it’s wrong. Both make good points, but show very different sides to a very controversial topic.