Origin. 1993. John Dewey’s “How We Think” described what goes on the human mind when confronted with a problem. The problem- solving behavior is based on reflective thought that has begin with a feeling of doubt or confusion. Social Work Framework. Helen Harris Perlman author of 'Social Casework: A Problem- Solving Process’, was considered as the originator of the problem- solving framework.
Dewey & Polya. Formulated steps in problem- solving process as applied in social work. 1) Recognition/definition of the problem, and engagement with the client system; 2) Data collection 3) Assessment of the situation; 4) Goal- setting and planning of an action; 5) Intervention/ carrying out of the action; 6) Evaluation; and 7) Termination.
The problem- solving process is essentially a cognitive process, a rational procedure involving a series of steps to be followed sequentially.
The social work helping process is not just a cognitive process, professional values and ethical principles guide the client- worker relationship particularly in handling of feelings and attitudes that inevitably enters the picture.
Steps in the Social Work Helping Process.
Beginning Phase 1. Assessment- social diagnosis a. Information/data gathering- primary source (the client), secondary sources (significant others), existing data (records/ reports, studies, evaluation), worker’s own observation (community physical cond’xn,interactions) b. Initial contact(s) with client/ Intake- client initiates, referred (involuntary clients), reach- out c. Intake- process by w/c a potential client achieves the status of a client; involves presenta’xn of self n prob. d. Defining the Problem- worker n client must spell out both definitions n agree on ordering the problem for work ( place of beginning together) e. Writing an Assessment Statement- opening casual statement;