Working with adults.
This essay is based upon the case study three, to which I will identify the needs of the service user in this case study. It will also indicate any gaps in this scenario and what further information I might need and how I collected such information. Once all available information has been collated it will be necessary to analyse and make sense of that information in order for it to be of use in making an assessment of the service users needs.
Working upon a Student Social worker perspective, I will include what knowledge, skills and values that I personally feel is most relevant to the underpinning social work practice of this case study.
Sound analytical skills will therefore facilitate an assessment that will provide the basis for any proposal for intervention. Referring to (Trevithick P. 2005) the assessment is a professional judgement likely to contain factual information, opinion and interpretation but it is important that each is identified as such, with evidence supporting any factual information.
The assessment should be needs led approach, which looks at what is needed to make a difference rather than looking at what is available. (Trevithick P.) Cited in Payne, M. 2005.
It is important to illuminate the importance of all interpersonal communication as it is guided by the value system of empowerment, which is knowledge, values and skills in so creating effective social work practice.
Further information that is required to proceed would be; To include concrete information about Brian such as his age, marital status, family composition, what he or she is wearing, level of verbal and nonverbal communication, emotional affect, and anything of interest that may have happened in the interview? I would include the defined problem(s) as stated by Brian, whilst ensuring not to make interpretations here but just to report the relevant information. Important information might be that Brian cried throughout
References: Adams, R, Dominelli, L and Payne, M (eds) (2002) Social Work: themes, issues and critical debates, Basingstoke, Palgrave. Banks, S (2004) Ethnics, Accountability and the Social profession. London; Palgrave Banks, S (2006) Ethics and Values in Social Work Central Council for Education and Training in Social work (CCETSW) (1995) Coulshed, Veronica & Orme, Joan (1998) Social Work Practice: An Introduction.3rd edition Howe, D (1992) an introduction to Social work theory. Aldershot; Arena Koprowska,J Lena, D (2004). Social work theory and practice for a changing profession. Cambridge: Polity Press Lishman, J (2004) Communication in Social Work, Basingstoke; Macmillan Payne, M. (1997) Modern Social work Theroy.2nd edition, Basingstoke; Macmillan Payne, M Shadlow, S, Davis, C, Johnson, M, T, Murphy, M and Race, D (2004) Education and Training for inter-agency working; New standards; Salford centre for Social work research; University of Social work. Smale, G and Tusan, G with Biehal, N and Marsh, P (1993), Empowerment, assessment, care management and the skilled worker. London; NISW/HMSO Thompson, N Trevithick, P (2005) Social work skills; A practice handbook, 2nd edition, Buckingham; open university press.