In present years, multitasking has been negatively associated with several influences on retention of information. It is known that on a daily basis, individuals have increase their techniques to execute multiple tasks, such as watching the TV while texting. For this reason, researchers have define multitasking as the ability to execute multiple actions in the same period of time, while often switching between individual tasks (Dindar & Akbulut, 2016; Gunawardena, & Waiguny, 2014). In the same manner, researchers have described that the consequences when attaining a multitasking behavior will involve the overall cognitive structure on a constant conflict. For example, several studies have found that there …show more content…
The simple act of focusing on multiple visual tasks might cause intentional blindness. Gunawardena and Waiguny (2014) conducted a study about intentional blindness. In the study, a participants was instructed to read an article while having a conversation with someone. However, research concluded that the majority of the participants were highly motivated on the talking with the other individual rather than read and process the content offered (Gunawardena, & Waiguny, 2014). According to Ralph, 2014, the individual processing capacity is merely dedicated to a particular task therefore, when individuals multitask they reduce their memory capacity to assimilate any content given at the same time. According to limited capacity models researchers suggest that individuals how multitask dedicate their attention to the most important tasks and omit other tasks, or dedicate only a little attention to them (Dindar, & Akbulut, 2016). However, researchers explain that multitasking effects in an individual can be particularly moderated with the relationship of the other task involves as co-dependence (Gunawardena, & Waiguny,