In this day and time to spank or not to spank is an issue of controversy. Not so long ago one could beat their wife, husband or children and that was considered a family matter for others to stay out of. Today some still hold on to the thought of it’s not their business while others say oh, yes, it is their business in spite of where it takes place at.
Today I would like to discuss the pros and cons of spanking along with expert opinions of each, and give my opinion.
So, first I would like to talk about the pros. Some pros are as follows:
• Spanking can be effective on a short-term basis in getting children to change any negative behaviors that prompted the spanking.
• Spanking …show more content…
Dr. James Dobson, the high profile minister and founder of Focus On The Family, tells in his book, Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide, why he believes spanking may be all right under some circumstances.
In answer to a question posed in the book: Is there an age when you begin to spank? Dr. Dobson answered as follows: "There is no excuse for spanking babies or children younger than 15 to 18 months of age. Midway through the second year (18 mos), children become capable of understanding instruction. They can then very gently be held responsible for how they behave.
Diana Baumrind, one of the world's leading experts in parenting recants much of Dr. Murray Straus, a opponent of spanking, assertions as suspect, because he uses flawed scientific evidence spurred on by his deep and passionate personal morals. Although personal morals are not a bad thing when figured in any human equation, it has no place in a debate discussing the fall-out on the world’s children. Readers of these scientific conclusions must be able to depend upon the results without bias, when attempting to do the proper thing in regards to legislation and parenting