Why are superbugs so dangerous? Superbugs are so dangerous because it becomes resistant to many antibiotics and can be deadly in many cases. Superbugs could kill more people globally than cancer by 2050 and cost the world around $1.3 trillion (Staff2). Around 2 million people get a case of the superbug every year and about 23,000 people die from superbugs (Miller 1). Many people overuse antibiotics which can cause the body to become immune to the …show more content…
Women who are pregnant can also be more prone to getting superbugs because their immune systems are known to be weaker (Stueck 2). It is also more common in older people whose immune systems are weaker than younger people. Anyone that has a weak immune system is more prone to getting superbugs. Many people do not think about the chances of getting superbugs or how deadly they are but they are just as bad as Zika virus and Ebola (Engelking 2). Anyone in the world needs to take cautious to getting superbugs because even though it is more prone to weaker immune systems it can still happen to