Individuality shapes people and forms our communities based on the way people think. These communities are made up of various cultures and traditions, as well as, races and ethnic backgrounds. Culture is what unites us as human beings; it also divides us into different ethic neighborhoods. Even though each community is unique, some share similar aspects of different areas. Each community has to deal with certain hardships like stereotyping or bigotry.
Understanding and appreciating cultural differences will better prepare people to live in a universal neighborhood. In Superman and Me the author Sherman Alexei revealed that “His father was an …show more content…
Populations stereotyped Indians as dangerous drunks that were not capable of learning to read or write. Alexie refused to be labeled as such and states “I refused to fail. I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky. I read books late into the night until I could barely keep my eyes open”
(209Alexie). Alexie was trying to save his life; a life that may have been filled with poverty, fear and he might have become that stereotype. The stereotyping in Bodega Dreams is between the White community and the Latino community. Mr. Blessington was seen in society as being well bred, having good values and being respected. As an English teacher in Julia de Burgos
Junior High, his true colors come thought with his racist remarks to his students. With whom he verbally abuses by telling them that “the boys were all going to end up in jail and that all the girls were going to end up hooking” (167Quinonez). Mr. Blessingtion abuses his position as a teacher by giving negative reinforcement to his students over and over to the point where a student assaults him.
In the story Ranch Girl, some people never leave their town like the author Meloy, who