
supervise children and young people on journeysUNIT 329

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supervise children and young people on journeysUNIT 329
UNIT 329
The legal and organisational requirements for supervising children and young people on journeys, visits and activities outside of the setting are:
*Risk assessments; risk assessment needs to be carried out as a legal requirement. It will enable you to: identify hazards and dangers decide who might be harmed and how evaluate the risks and decide whether existing precautions are enough or whether more should be done record your findings review your assessments and revise them if necessary.

You should always carry out risk assessments that include ;
*the medical needs of children, with control measures including knowledge of known health problems by the group leader and enough medication and contingency measures if an adult has to accompany a child to hospital.

*behaviour of students with control measures, including a code of rules on behaviour

*weather conditions, with control measures including obtaining local information about tides, assessing potential for flooding and establishing the likelihood of sudden weather changes.

It is also important to have a ‘plan B’, for example if the coach were to break down there would need to be a back up one, ready to come and take the children. A plan ‘b’ would need to be in place in case a child went missing whilst on the school trip. It is important that a mobile phone is carried as the school would need to be notified immediately and the park also. Making sure the children are all together and safe, a search party should be organised checking all areas. Alot of factors must be taken into account regarding transport, such as, the driver having necessary licence, CRB checked traffic conditions
Passenger safety

Informing parents and obtaining parental consent; parents should be informed by writing about the trip before they are asked consent. Parents should be reminded that pupils cannot be taken on a school trip before if their written permission has not been

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