How to deal with problem employees
• INTRO You must introduce and define the topic in relationship to supervision
Problem employees inevitably surface in most workplaces and sometimes employers need to counsel their employees and on occasions employers must discipline the employee. In an organization top-management often formulate the standards that supervisors must use when they have to deal with problem employees. A supervisor must have the skills required to organize, staff, lead, and control which includes the ability and talent required to deal with problem employees.
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In the workplace sometimes employee problems are obvious, such as attendance issues or the failure to deliver results. Other times, a workplace harbors a problem and an employer might not immediately know the cause until the issue explodes. In order to gain a better understanding of employee problems it is necessary to discuss the most common and un-common types. First, the most common types involve performance issues, absenteeism and tardiness, insubordination and uncooperativeness, alcohol and drug abuse, workplace violence, and theft.
Most everyone has worked around an employee who has been unable to meet reasonable company production standards by not having the skills required for the job, slower than acceptable production rates, or even poor work quality. A problem employee that lacks the skills required for a job can be a serious concern for any organization and should be dealt with my supervisors appropriately. A supervisor is often quick to assume that an employee lacks the skills for their job so it is very important that the supervisor try to ascertain if the employee really lacks the skills necessary for the satisfactory performance of his or her duties, or if another issue is negatively affecting his or her ability to perform. Often, when a leader assumes that an employee cannot do a job for
References: rogers, jason m. "2011 CCH Unscheduled Absence Survey." Employee insobordination . N.p., 16 Feb. 2011. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. . Absenteeism