MMSU Students
A Term Paper
Submitted to:
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in
English 2
BS in Accountancy
College of Business, Economics, and Accountancy
Mariano Marcos State University
March 2011
Thesis Statement: Students take in supplementary vitamins to improve their health.
1. Introduction 1.1 Vitamins 1.1.1 Definition of Vitamins 1.1.2 Importance of Vitamins 1.2 Supplementary Vitamins 1.2.1 Definition of Supplementary Vitamins 1.2.2 Good effects of Supplementary Vitamins 1.2.3 Bad effects of Supplementary Vitamins
2. Presentation and Analysis of Data 2.1 Methodology 2.1.1 Sampling 2.1.2 Questionnaire 2.2 Results 2.2.1 Supplementary vitamins taken in by MMSU students
2.2.2People who encouraged MMSU students to take in
2.2.3 How often do MMSU students take in
2.2.4 Reasons of taking in supplementary vitamins 2.2.5 Good effects of supplementary vitamins 2.2.6 Bad effects of supplementary vitamins
3. Conclusion and Reaction 3.1 Conclusion 3.2 Personal Reaction
1. Introduction
Everyday life can be tiring, physically as well as emotionally. Physical stress for example is common among those who do hard work for long hours, particularly students. Other people on the other hand, may be facing mental strain such as having a personal problem. In all these examples of everyday tension, vitamins play a vital role as the body’s “coping mechanism” which helps relieve stress and get more energy in order to survive the ordeal.In this 21st century, more and more busy people due to their hectic work life, the food that they eat is not really healthy, therefore more and more people are turning to multi-vitamin supplements to act as an alternative role in their diet.
Vitamins are specific organic compounds that our bodies need for proper functioning. Absence or
Cited: Feigl, D.M. and Hill, John W. 1983.General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. Hein, B.P. 2001. Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing. Macapinlac, M.P. 2000. “Vitamins help you cope with everyday life.” Manila Bulletin Pope, T.P. 2009. “Taking all those vitamins may do little to prevent diseases.” Manila Bulletin Quirino, C. 2002. “Q&A on vitamins, nutraceuticals and more.” Philippine Daily Inquirer Reyes, Tyron. 2000. “Vitamins. Who should take them? Which ones shouldyou buy?” Manila Bulletin Sy, S.G.. 2002. “Synthetic versus natural: Which is better?” Manila Bulletin. 3 July.