What is it?
Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin also referred to as thiamine. It is part of the B complex group and essential for normal metabolism, cardiovascular and nervous system health.
Why you may need vitamin B1
- a high dietary intake of thiamine is associated with a reduced risk of cataracts.
Mouth ulcers
– low blood levels have been found in people with recurrent mouth ulcers.
Insect repellent
– vitamin B1 is a popular natural insect repellent. Many people report benefits but no actual research can confirm this handy use. researchers thought that beriberi was caused by a pathogen but soon realised that diets lacking in vitamin
How much do you need?
B1 was the cause.
Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
Adults (over 19 years): 700 mcg – 1.1 mg daily
There are two major types of beriberi: wet beriberi and
Pregnancy: 1 mg daily dry beriberi (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome). Dry
Breastfeeding: 1.2 mg daily beriberi mainly affects the nervous system and includes
Children over 7 years: 800 mcg – 1.2 mg daily the following symptoms: pain, numbness, tingling,
Children under 7 years: 150–700 mcg daily peripheral neuropathy, muscle wasting, paralysis of the lower extremities, brain damage and death. Wet
Doses used in clinical trials beriberi mainly affects the cardiovascular system with
Cataracts: dietary intake up to 10 mg daily the following symptoms: swelling, increased heart rate,
Mild deficiency in adults: 30 mg daily for up to one enlarged heart, lung congestion, cough and congestive month heart failure.
Severe deficiency in adults: 300 mg daily
Many of our foods are enriched with vitamin B1 to help
Symptoms of deficiency achieve adequate intake of vitamin B1. Beriberi is
A deficiency or abundance of a single B vitamin may manly seen in alcoholics because excessive alcohol cause problems in the metabolism of other B group can reduce the absorption of vitamin B1. They develop