Exercise 1: Supply Chain Mapping
Prepared By
Mohd Rahman
Sep 29, 2014
Introduction of Supply Chain Mapping
Supply chain mapping is an analytical tool used in process management and strategic SCM. It is a conceptual map which clearly identifies critical parties or players in the supply chain and relationships between them. It also represents the flow of materials, cash and information throughout the chain. It can identify bottlenecks, suppliers, logistics coordination, potential competitors, opportunities, overlaps and duplication of effort and resource.
A strategic supply chain map is created first which represents overall company strategy depending upon company’s value, goals. After that process map is completed by an organization. A complete map can be used to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of the process. Many organizations and companies are using the supply chain mapping as an important tool to assess risk before making any strategic decision in supply chain.
Purpose of this Map, Problem and Usefulness of Map
I am working in a real estate rental and construction company. It has over 35300 suites in 225 properties across 5 provinces in Canada. Mission of our company is to serve and provide our Resident Members (RM) with quality rental communities. The above mission statements govern the decisions and policies of our company makes and determine the way we treat each other, our associates, our resident members and our communities.
We are providing repair and replacement services within 72 hours. To provide multi dimensional services to the RM as quick as possible the supply chain management department is working efficiently. It contributed to our company's ability to compete and differentiate itself from others in the real estate market and placed our company among top five companies.
It appeared from the performance evaluation analysis for the year 2012