1.2, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Displays are very important in schools and are used for different purposes.
These are some of the things in which displays maybe used;
To present information
To show the children’s work to others
To celebrate and share achievement
To celebrate diversity
To promote a sense of community
To provide a learning resource
To prompt feedback
To improve the environment
It is very important for displays to be put up as this well help build children’s self-esteem. It will reinforce their learning and shows others what they have achieved. Displays in areas around the school will show the work of pupils and what they have achieved in different areas. They could be related to any curriculum subject, after school activity or even an outside of school activity.
Displays in my school always celebrate diversity in the school by showing a range of culturally diverse images with the work they have put up on the display.
Around the school I am working in most of the display boards are used as a learning resource for all the children in the school. These displays are put up to enhance the children’s learning by showing artefacts or topic based information for them to use. Displays like this are also found in all the class rooms around the school.
My school has a very important structure in the school and makes all children aware of how to improve and protect the environment. The main display in the hall is all about this subject. Not only does it focus on the environment but it also promotes a sense of community and belonging in the school for all children and staff.
Requirements and procedures for carrying out a risk assessment for displays.
Before we can put up a display around the school or in the class we must always do a risk assessment. Everyone who puts a display up in the school must first be ladder trained as most of the display boards require ladders to put them up. The area must be checked and made safe for the children and the person putting the display up. Children must have a clear space to walk around the ladders and away from the display while it is being put up. All materials used in this procedure must be put back in the correct place and in a safe way. Any old materials which are no longer in use must be recycled properly and the area should be cleaned and tidied afterwards.
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
Displays in my school are only allowed to stay up for 8 weeks. In this time every week rather the teacher or the teaching assistant in the classroom should check the display once a week to make sure that it is clean and tidy and not tatty. If children have used materials such as sticky glitter and it is starting to fall off the school has a policy and procedure in which the display should be taken down and a fresh display put up. If the display is only showing that a couple of things have fell down and with them put up again correctly then the display can be left as long as it looks neat and tidy. Themed displays such as Christmas are taken down before the children break up for the Christmas holidays so when they come back the display is not there and they are ready to put some new work up on that display that they will do when they return.
When a display is no longer needed the same procedure as 1.4 should be carried out. Any of the work that is taken down from the displays should be offered to the children for them to take it home so they can share their achievements and work with their parents or guardians. If the children do not want to take their work home then same as all materials used in the display should be recycled accordingly to the schools recycling procedure.