The bell ring over a few times and they start their conversation over until the final answers who is positive “No it’s not”. The concept of the play is that each time the bell ring they have to start over their conversations a few line back until the answer is not negative anymore. This allow the actors to display a vast amount of versatility. The play illustrated the nature of love by framenting the chance encounter by a man and a woman. The play lasts until they fall in love.
The playwriters of sure thing wanted to explores the possibility were a man had the chance to to tke back words that obstruct their intentions. I we take a look at one conversations in the play for exemple when Bill speak about his college; "If I had two point at... (Bell.), three point at... (Bell.), four point at college? Or if I did come from Pittsburgh, (Bell.), Cleveland (Bell.), Westchester country?." It is very interresting to see Bill trying to impress Betty that the demorgraphic belief his not important and not to judged on social criteria. Each time the bell ring Bill increase his grade and come out with a more prestigious home town. at what point will be betty interrested in Bill and when she will be at the sae
The characters
The plot