By: Jasreen Chahal and Shweta Saini
1. Perming:
Chemicals can affect fetus
Since there is a longer processing time, chemicals can get absorbed through skull
Goes into bloodstream and into the placenta
Strong scents cause migraines and nausea and increase sense of smell
Hormones make the perm look frizzy and does not last as long
2. Laying on your back:
Presses down on inferior vena cava (delivers blood from lower body to heart)
Makes the woman feel dizzy and interferes with blood flow and nutrients to placenta
Causes- low blood pressure, breathing problems, back aches
Best to sleep on left side- improves blood flow to fetus, uterus, kidneys and keeps uterus off large organs (ex. Liver, which is on the right side)
3. Saunas/Hot Baths:
Raises body temperature- risk to fetus
If body temperature is higher than 102 Fahrenheit, it’s extremely risky in first 4-6 weeks
Sweating causes dehydration and low blood pressure
Dizziness can cause loss of blood supply to baby or cause the woman to fall
Higher risk of miscarriage and neural tube defects (brain and spinal cord abnormalities)
4. X-Rays:
High doses of radiation can cause changes in a baby's rapidly growing cells
Interferes with the development of a fetus, causing birth defects
Small increase in the risk of childhood cancer
The higher the level of radiation, the greater the risk is to your baby
5. Cleaning Supplies:
Don’t use product that have the words: Toxic, Danger, Corrosive
Inhalation can be toxic to the baby
Always use ventilation if cleaning (ex. Mask, gloves, open windows, fans)
If you do clean, look for products labeled non-toxic and all-natural
6. Sushi:
Raw sushi may contain bacteria that can make you sick during pregnancy. Your immune system is weaker and body won't attack the growing fetus, more likely to get sick
Could cause liver or gastrointestinal problems: including abnormal tissue growth in stomach or intestine
May lead to anemia or serious malnourishment or may cause a miscarriage