As the industrial revolution began new standards are adopted to preserve the environment and control the pace of producing waste. In 1970 environmental laws were introduced and voluntary codes were designed for environmental management implementation samples for industrial bodies. These laws and codes helps in global trade by setting a benchmark for quality of product.
Widespread concern for environmental protection emerged dramatically with the advent of the
Industrial Revolution. Public outcries over smoke pouring from the stacks of coal burning factories, along with the eventual expansion of the petroleum industry, led to an early foothold for the ―Environmental Movement.‖
In 1919 the American Petroleum Institute (API) was established by the petroleum and allied industries, recognizing that a lack of standardization had resulted in industry shortages and unnecessary accidents. The development of the environmental, health and safety performance of the petroleum industry was the ensuing of API‘s four-fold mission.
Environmental management systems in industry :
Voluntary codes of environmental conduct and ―eco-auditing‖ (or ―compliance auditing‖) programs creates Environmental management systems in industry adopted by various industries in response to increasing regulatory pressures that began in the 1970s, negative publicity stemming from industrial accidents, expensive legal cases and rising public concern over the environmental impacts of industrial processes. Early examples of such codes include the
Responsible Care® program, first adopted by the Association for the American and Canadian
Chemical Industry (now the Chemical Manufacturers Association) in 1988 and the Strategies for
Today‘s Environmental Partnership (STEP) program adopted by the American Petroleum
Institute in 1903.
Regarding prevention of pollution and adopt voluntary eco-auditing both American and
European companies began to formalize their approaches, there was growing
References: Allen L. White (1999), ―Sustainability and the Accountable Corporation: Society‘s Rising Expectations of Business‖, Environment, Vol • Hillary, Ruth (ed.) (2000), ―Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the Environment‖, Successful Practicesof Environmental Management Systems in Small and Medium-Size Enterprises: A North American Perspective, 2005, from interenet