Student Number: 109091026
Module Code: ENGM91
Assignment 1
1 Introduction
1.1 What is Sustainability
The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED 1987, in Gareis et al. 2010, p. 2) defines sustainability as the development that conforms to the needs of the present without making or willing to make concessions on the ability of future generations in order to meet their own wants and needs.
In a different concept, sustainability has lately turned out to be a corporate yet societal concept (Gareis et al., 2010). Corporate sustainability has different meanings. It can be defined as the meeting of the needs of an organization’s stakeholders. Those stakeholders can be employees, shareholders, pressure groups, clients, communities, sub-contractors etc. But then, while meeting the needs of these stakeholders, it is of essence to say that the needs of stakeholders need to be met not at the expense of another stakeholder (Dyllick and Hockerts 2002, p. 131).
1.2 Introduction to the organization
In this part, the author has put forward the organization which is going to be discussed in the rest of the assignment in the light of sustainability. The organization manufactures goods and basically is related to engineering because of its inherent functioning.
Sustainability has turn out to be a vital subject in all spheres of life. Sustainability puts a strong focus on preservation of natural resources in opposition to its exploitation, for the sole reason of better productivity and competitiveness, by manufacturing and service organizations.
Houe and Grabot (2009) and Kumar and Putnam (2008) argues that sustainability in manufacturing processes is a foremost organizational concern throughout the world and is leading to firm regulations with regards to the influence of services and products throughout their manufacturing, use and end of life.
Guo et al. (2008) and Hsuan et al.