British Columbia, Canada
The purpose of this research was to examine different stakeholder perspectives of tourism in Tofino in order to determine impacts and challenges relating to tourism development and long-term sustainability.
This paper seeks to explore the current situation and recommendations for the future development of Tofino through a multi-stakeholder process. It builds upon previous research conducted by Welk (2006) and by Dodds & Basu (2008).
The aim of this paper therefore is to examine stakeholder theory and resource dependence theory as it applies to a tourism destination with a key focus on water as it is a vital resource for successful tourism. Additionally the stage of life cycle of the tourism destination as well as the concept of Limits of Acceptable Change is discussed to provide context.
2.1 Theories: Tools to Manage?
Many islands depend heavily on the natural resources of an area and it is these resources authors believe that sustainable tourism is the responsibilify of all stakeholders
Stakeholders are defined as any individual or group who can affect the firms' performance or who is affected by the achievement of the organization's objectives (Freeman, 1984). is important to understand the views of stakeholders as they can motivate or impede sustainabilify in organizations. identified motives and barriers to sustainabilify such as economic considerations, political power and salience, coordination between stakeholders, accountabilify of all stakeholders, lacks of will and integration between govemment bodies (Ioannides, 2001; Dodds, 2007a; 2007b).
The life cycle model describes six stages of an evolutionary sequence that a tourist area passes through: exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation and rejuvenation or decline.
The life cycle outlines, that as airports, accommodation and other tourist facilities are provided, awareness