Belligerence (page 60) - A warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.
Original sentence: Johnny was well built, with fair hair and a natural belligerence.
Swarthiness (page 62) – Dark
Original sentence: When Roger opened his eyes and saw him, a darker shadow crept beneath the swarthiness of his skin.
Incomprehension (page 63) – Lack of understanding
Original sentence: He turned a half-concealed face up to Roger and answered the incomprehension of his gaze.
Ravenously (page 66) – Extremely hungry
Original sentence: Ralph continued to watch the ship, ravenously.
Inevitably (page 68) – Unable to avoid, evade or escape.
Original sentence: Ralph picked out Jack easily, even at the distance, tall, red-haired, and inevitably leading the procession.
Convulsion (page 76) – violent aggression; or disturbance
Original sentence: With a convulsion of the mind, Ralph discovered dirt and decay, understood how much he disliked perpetually flicking the tangled hair out of his eyes…
Ludicrous (page 78) – Ridiculous
Original sentence: But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains.
Jabber (page 84) – To talk amongst one another
Original sentence: The littluns began to jabber among themselves, then one stood forward.
Subdued (page 85) - to conquer and bring into subjection
Original sentence: The assembly murmured in subdued agreement.
Tacitly (page 86) - understood without being openly expressed
Original sentence: Tacitly admitting that he remembered the unmentionable, Ralph nodded to Piggy.
Contours (page 97) – The outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object.
Original sentence: Idly looking beyond the fire, he resettled the scattered rocks from their flat shadows into daylight contours.
Tremulously (page 99) – Characterized by trembling, as from fear, nervousness, or weakness.
Original sentence: The twins, holding tremulously to each