
Swamp Fox Research Paper

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Swamp Fox: The Life and Campaigns of General Francis Marion

Francis Marion was born in the winter of 1732 (his exact birth date is unknown) at Goatfield Plantation in St. John's Parish, Berkeley County, South Carolina. His parents, Gabriel and Esther Marion, were of French Huguenot descent. The Huguenots were French Protestants who had suffered persecution for their beliefs during the reign of Louis XIV. Following the 1685 revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which forbade the practice of Protestantism, 50,000 Huguenots left France. Marion's grandparents were among them. Along with 70 or 80 other Huguenot families, they farmed the banks of the Santee River near Charleston, South Carolina, where the land proved ideal for growing rice and indigo, a highly treasured blue dye
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What if this is an unnecessary step to winning in combat, that the number of casualties could be greatly limited to a smaller number? Today, hundreds of thousands of people in Joint Task Forces are putting their lives in danger in Afghanistan, Iraq and even the surrounding bodies of water for the greater good. The technique that is frequently used in combat, that dates back to the American Revolution, is called Guerrilla Warfare, and is fought by small teams of four to eight people; these small groups are called Special Forces. Many argue that the use of sniper teams and Special Forces in combat is unethical and even more for unconventional weapons, although unconventional warfare is often the reason to a quick ending war and results in thousands, even millions of lives being saved.
There are many unsung heroes that help to lead America to its independence. One of those unsung heroes was Francis Marion, also known as “The Swamp Fox”. Although Marion has a huge impact on it, some of the reasons why his impact is so enormous are because his attacks are smart and bold, and because he scares the British

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