Are you into dancing? Have you ever danced? Or did you ever tried to do dance routines in your entire life? Each one has a child within us and we used to dream about castles, knights, princesses and swords. Imagine dancing and sword fighting being combined and made enjoyable all the way. Let’s go far beyond sword dancing and mix it with Belly dancing. Sounds weird right? But nowadays, sword belly dancing has become one of the fast growing exercises and art all over the globe.
Sword and belly dancing are two different worlds that are united with one art. Dancing is the engagement of movements in a quick and lively manner. Integrating sword with dancing is a fun and yet remarkable thing to do. It started way back in ancient Egypt and Turkey where the men usually perform these kinds of routines. Most of the ancient dancers use Arabic swords which are perfect for the routine since of its contour and ease of use whenever they execute the dances. Raks Al Sayf or female sword fighting contributed a lot to the widespread and development of sword belly dancing in the middle east and is quite famous within belly dancers. They utilized the sword to make belly dancing more flavorful and more extreme to the eyes of its fans. Now, many belly dancers all over the world are integrating sword fighting or dancing with their craft. Sword belly dancing breaks the boundaries of a manly and a girly thing. It unites sword fighting, a manly thing and belly dancing a very feminine thing. Like any other fighting style and dance, sword belly dancing requires huge amounts of concentration and meditation. You can’t mess around with it freely since you are holding a sword with you. You have to make sure that the steps and routines you do have to be safe and secure to avoid injuries. You also need to have basics in sword handling and belly dancing to enjoy this form of art.
Aside from being a fast growing dance or art, sword belly dancing has also become a good form of