Jessica’s review of Opportunities seemed to have loss concentration on the outside factors of the organization. In the presentation she started to focus on things that to me should have fallen under the strengths category. For example the public education and Fire Training Center, both are currently part of the organization. While these two differed in the opportunities section they had similarities in their weaknesses. Both organizations seemed to be lacking in diversity, being mostly white mail dominate members. Lastly, Jessica’s presentation did a better job of explaining each section of SWOT review. Before giving examples she defined what each section was and it was clear what I would be looking for in her
Jessica’s review of Opportunities seemed to have loss concentration on the outside factors of the organization. In the presentation she started to focus on things that to me should have fallen under the strengths category. For example the public education and Fire Training Center, both are currently part of the organization. While these two differed in the opportunities section they had similarities in their weaknesses. Both organizations seemed to be lacking in diversity, being mostly white mail dominate members. Lastly, Jessica’s presentation did a better job of explaining each section of SWOT review. Before giving examples she defined what each section was and it was clear what I would be looking for in her