Another strengths that they children advocacy have is making sure that the child voice is heard through meeting, government officials, letters and sometimes even phone calls. The strengths that the children advocacy of California is making sure that there is a clear and concise messages that are being sent to the public and to the government agent. Without all these strengths and advocacy groups like this can fall apart. With these strength come with very many weakness as well. The children advocacy of California faces one weakness is the way that they are able to maintain control and focus on the issues that at hand making sure that they able to be the child voice to get there point across so that the children voice is heard from beginning to the end. Another weakness that the children advocacy can face is the public hearing poor attendance and pre –conceived position may limit the possibility for any significant influence which cause thing to last longer then things should. The last weakness that advocacy groups can have is social media and Internet why because not every one has the technology or Internet that they need so that they are able to see the services that the advocacy groups provided for abuse children and family as well. So with many …show more content…
That way more people know they are available to help children and family that have been abused. It does not serve allot of purpose if the individuals that need the help does not know were to get it. More advertisement on TV or even in papers would help the outreach of this program. Another way I feel would improve the services of this company is providing victims with a safety plan for home or after the completion of the services some schooling, personal or even some kind of working program that will help the victim overcome the situations that in many ways cripple a victim. Examples of such services should include things like a safety plan in which you identify safe friends and safe places, including ideas about how you can increase safety if you are living alone, if you are staying with the abuser, if you are leaving the abuser, or if you are experiencing an attack, How and when can you most safely leave? Where will you go? Change locks on doors and windows. Install a security system — window bars, locks, better lighting, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.· re you comfortable calling the police if you need them? Who can you trust to tell that you are