To give a clear overview of the possibilities in the wood pellet market is a SWOT-Analysis used. This analysis presents the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the wood pellet market in general (not for a specific company!).
In this matrix are the benefits and the issues around the wood pellet market displayed against each other. This gives a clear overview and a good summery as well about the `Wood Pellets´ market!
1) Sustainable
2) Renewable
3) Worldwide available
4 ) New and higher employment
5 ) Accessibility. Germany is located in the center of Europe, which is a strength point and offers good possibilities for trading. Germany is very good accessible by water, via seas and channels due to the Netherlands as well.
1) High competition against other energy resources.
2) The technology around the production of bioenergy needs more and new inputs to win more energy and make it more favorable and get higher outputs.
3) High investment costs in the beginning, to install a combustion furnace at home or in the industry.
A)Wood fuels provides opportunities for new companies to develop
B) Producing and the using of wood fuels locally will minimize transport costs
C) Wood fuels releases lower quantities of atmospheric pollutants
D) It is possible to offset the carbon emissions from burning against the carbon uptake of the trees during the growth of the wood.
E) According to the EU´s policy and the Kyoto-protocol, wood fuels fits very well with the targets
3,4,5 -> A
The wood pellet industry offers a great opportunity to develop new companies, and for new and more extensive employment. This counts for all places in the world because wood pellets can produce almost everywhere. For Europe(Germany) it is an great opportunity in special because of the current economic recession and a lack of jobs.
1,2 -> B,C,D,E
The sustainability and