She explains that she leaves to go to the bathroom. However, since there is no colored bathrooms in the building, she would have to walk over half a mile to go relieve herself. Her choice of words, “There is no bathroom, There are no colored bathrooms inthis building, or any building outside the west campus, which is half a mile away. Did you knowthat?” helps emphasize the idea that he may not have known, but even if he did, he would notunderstand. There is no way for him to really understand the sexism or the racism that Katherineor any other colored woman had experienced during that time, but there was nothing she could do. She kept her thoughts to herself and she would walk over half a mile just to use the restroom, but when confronted about being a bad worker, she goes off, because she has workedhard. They all end up playing important roles and although their efforts do not pay off immediately, it does show that working hard does in fact lead to a good reward. Katherine helps to fix discrepancies in the calculations for the landing coordinates of a
She explains that she leaves to go to the bathroom. However, since there is no colored bathrooms in the building, she would have to walk over half a mile to go relieve herself. Her choice of words, “There is no bathroom, There are no colored bathrooms inthis building, or any building outside the west campus, which is half a mile away. Did you knowthat?” helps emphasize the idea that he may not have known, but even if he did, he would notunderstand. There is no way for him to really understand the sexism or the racism that Katherineor any other colored woman had experienced during that time, but there was nothing she could do. She kept her thoughts to herself and she would walk over half a mile just to use the restroom, but when confronted about being a bad worker, she goes off, because she has workedhard. They all end up playing important roles and although their efforts do not pay off immediately, it does show that working hard does in fact lead to a good reward. Katherine helps to fix discrepancies in the calculations for the landing coordinates of a