Anoop Sarkar
School of Computing Science,
Simon Fraser University, Canada.
Parsing uncovers the hidden structure of linguistic input. In many applications involving natural language, the underlying predicate-argument structure of sentences can be useful. The syntactic analysis of language provides a means to explicitly discover the various predicate-argument dependencies that may exist in a sentence. In natural language processing, the syntactic analysis of natural language input can vary from being very low-level, such as simply tagging each word in the sentence with a part of speech, or very high level, such as recovering a structural analysis that identifies the dependency between each predicate in the sentence and its explicit and implicit arguments. The major bottleneck in parsing natural language is the fact that ambiguity is so pervasive. In syntactic parsing, ambiguity is a particularly difficult problem since the most plausible analysis has to be chosen from an exponentially large number of alternative analyses. From tagging to full parsing, algorithms have to be carefully chosen that can handle such ambiguity. This chapter explores syntactic analysis methods from tagging to full parsing and the use of supervised machine learning to deal with ambiguity.
Parsing Natural Language
In a text to speech application input sentences are to be converted to a spoken output that should sound like it was spoken by a native speaker of the language. Consider the following pair of sentences (imagine them spoken rather than written):1
1. He wanted to go for a drive in movie .
2. He wanted to go for a drive in the country .
There is a natural pause between the words ‘drive’ and ‘in’ in sentence 2 which reflects an underlying hidden structure to the sentence. Parsing can provide a structural description that identifies such a break in the intonation. A simpler case occurs in the following
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