Without the pen many people wouldn’t know about some of these events. The pen can be a very important, but without that first act of violence there would be no story to tell. When it comes to lawmaking most laws are made after an act of violence so they can prevent that from happening again. Many speeches are inspired by acts of violence. “I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the american black man’s problem just to avoid violence,” -Malcolm X. His speeches were sometimes inspired by the violence that was happening around him. The pen revolves around the sword, the pen needs the sword.
What has a larger impact an inspirational speech or a deadly war? People are moved by both but not equally. Many are moved by people’s words but families are more touched when they lose a family member. How do people deal with death? Some get mad at others, some try to bottle up their emotions. Some may even attempt to get revenge. It’s hard to admit the truth that violence is more powerful, many want to believe that the pen can pull through but in reality you are just left with the