AP English
Ms. Crofton
May 29, 2015
Synthesis Essay: Obesity
Obesity is a growing problem in the United States. Forbes magazine cites government statistics to say that “the average weight of an American has increased 24 pounds since 1960.” Most of the blame is falling on the government and its insufficient reforms on the public. By reforms, I mean action against one of the nations’ biggest problems (no pun intended). This issue has been previously addressed with the attempt at lowering the rising obesity rates starting with our children. But the issue of childhood obesity is much bigger than banning junk food on campus and offering “better options” for school lunch. This just covers up the problem. The problem originates from a combination of stigma and social expectations, along with a lack of concern for future generations, and not enough being done to push kids into a healthy state of mind from very young. This issue is important because the large number of cases of diabetes and overall children’s wellbeing is being affected. It is also implementing improper lifetime health habits to our youth.
In Source G, author Inga Kiderra discusses the statistical facts, rates, and chances of obesity but focuses on the effect that those close to us could have on our own health. Kiderra states that “there is a direct casual relationship” between one persons’ influence on another’s obesity status. She mentions that “People come to think that it is okay to be bigger since those around them are bigger, and this sensibility spreads.” Hence the articles’ title, ‘Socially Contagious’ All of the information in this article suggests that obesity is in a way “contagious” and spreads from person to person in a social network If these facts are being supported and formed by professors and journalists, why aren’t we taking more serious measures to end this epidemic?
It has been said that “Children are our future.” For more than 50 years, Mattel’s ‘Barbie’ dolls have