Topic : Work
College Writing TSL022
Name: Alieya Natasha Binti Shaifol Hizam 2010452606 Nur Aisyah Binti Rusli 2010443648 Nur Saffura Binti Zakaria 2010803098 Nurul Fatin Najla Binti Mohd Suhaimi 2010478318
Group: 020P2A
Lecturer’s Name: Pn. Zarina Binti Mazlan
Sex Discrimination And Sexual Harassment At Work
Treating someone because of his or her disparity in sexual category is considered as sex discrimination. All workers and genders are applies to the law of sex prejudice at work. There are two types of sex discrimination, which is direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination is favoritism between gender and indirect discrimination is having less benefit because of our gender, which focuses on women. Sex discrimination can be experienced during general situations at work. Everyone is cosseted by law against harassment at work even with people who go through gender reassignment. Receiving unnecessary contact or any sexual contents are considered as sexual harassment. The law will guard you from everyone in your office including the third parties. Sexual harassment can be done unconsciously. However, it doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do and you cannot criticize it. Actions should be taken promptly once you’ve experienced sex discrimination or sexual harassment. What you can do first is tell the person to impede. If it still doesn’t change, you should tell your administrator, talk to someone in you union. Try to get guidance and keep a documentation of the time, date and place when the incident happen. Grievance procedure is a formal complaint written to your employer if your problems cannot be solved informally. You can choose not to work with your employer in any duration of time before you make a claim for sex discrimination or sexual harassment. If you want to do so, you must