Over the past year, I have been looking at Systems Analyst positions. Systems Analysts "investigate and analyse business problems and then design information systems that …show more content…
Through its website, it enables job-seekers to gain a better understanding of the details of jobs they may be interested in and characteristics of people that already hold that position. According to PayScale, the median salary for Systems Analysts in the United States is just shy of $64,000, with a total range of $45,000 to $95,000. It also outlines some of the most sought-after skills for Systems Analysts including business analysis, project management, and .NET (PayScale, …show more content…
According to PayScale's crowd-sourced research, one of the most sought-after skills for Systems Analysts is project management. Showcasing this skill on a resume may be difficult, but this may be alleviated by obtaining a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Though this is not an IT-focused certification, it has proven to be valuable for candidates seeking jobs in this area. CIO.com goes as far to say that it is the most sought after certification in the IT industry, with an overall average salary for certificate holders at $101,000 (Hein, 2012). The next most sought-after skill, according to PayScale, is experience with .NET. Obtaining the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) certification can prove to an employer an adequate competency in development using .NET and would also be valuable to any job-seeker in this area (Microsoft, n.d.). I also looked at various organizations that are actively seeking Systems Analysts and found some additional desirable qualities. One such posting was specifically seeking candidates with certifications from Oracle and Citrix. For this position in particular, the most desirable industry certifications display a candidate's abilities in regards to managing projects and implementing and customizing software