Module 4
Tale of Two Airlines Memo
Dear Elizabeth Windsor, CEO, I 'm writing in regards of recommendations for service improvement. These findings are based on the McPherson complaint and the following issues have been identified.
1. Information technology and operation strategy failure for not identifying a full fare customer through the (RMS) revenue management system or (CRS) computer reservation system. This may have caused the airline to lose a loyal 10 year customer.
2. Poor service management by a failure of airline employees to coordinate standard operating protocols of inclement weather procedures. Inflight attendants failed to identify passengers with close connecting flights and notify employees at destination airport to hold flights.
3. Poor management control over gate boarding and gate closing, failure to monitor departure time schedule for flights. International flight departed ahead of scheduled time without regard to passenger list and reasons for possible passenger delays. The following is a list of options available.
1. Establish and integrate standard operating protocol that in the event of inclement weather, management will instruct and verify that operation employees identify connecting passengers and coordinate with outbound flights.
2. Complete organizational transformations with new service standards. Taking in consideration more human factors with today 's standards in mind. This will require a fundamental change attitudes and training on behalf of management. IT managers should also take human factors more seriously than ever.
3. Prior to departure all outbound flights with missing connecting and checked-in passengers will work with operations to determine the status of missing passengers. Recommendations for correction are as follows 1. Develop a protocol for system identification of delayed flights, inclement weather or
References: Gittell, J. H. (2003). The Southwest Airlines way: Using the power of relationships to achieve high performance. New York: McGraw-Hill.