Influence of human resource strategies on retention--------------------------------------3-5
Using retention as a strategic HR tool ----------------------------------------------------------5-6
Talent management – a tool for employee retention ---------------------------------------6-7
Challenging assignments and retention ---------------------------------------------------------7
Work-life balance and retention -----------------------------------------------------------------8
Recommendations and Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------- 9
References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-14
One of the major challenges facing today’ organizations is the need to retain valuable employees. This off course is the result of the fast growing technological changes that change in market demands and such things as deregulation and re-regulation. The world is now information centered and undoubtedly, the human resources in organizations are viewed as important factor for business development (kane, 2000). More and more, there is stiffer competition for the best talent employees; fresh organizations seem to understand the necessity of inspiring and keeping employees that will stand the test of change management (Porter and Clark, 2001).
Numerous organizations now realize the importance of strategic staffing because as Ettorre, (1997) argues that in order to sustain success in an organization, it is crucial to retain high talent employees. Nussler, (2000) also argues that it is expensive to lose talent that is considered needed in the organization not only because of the ensuing raise in the salary request by knowledgeable new recruits, but, also the lost investment in development as well as the overall loss in
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