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In the article “The Long-Term Consequences of Missing School,” Zinshteyn articulates the emergence of, and problems associated with, the “chronically absent” student through extensive quotation, analysis, and definition to inform the targeted reader—anyone working in, attending, or otherwise involved in the public education system—about the problems that high school students who consistently fail to attend class face.…
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Students will be assigned After School Detention for 5 tardy violations in a 9week period. Five tardies in one class will equal 1 unexcused absence. 10 violations in a 9week period will require a meeting with administration.…
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Being tardy affects middle school students life's. According to Stacy Zeiger from the website sfps there are studies conducted by the US Department of Education show that school success and student behavior are affected by school attendance. Students who are tardy to class are more likely to be late to a job when they grow up, causing them likely to get fired. When students are late to class there's a negative effect on the other students in the class and the teacher. A student tardiness takes other students attention away from the teacher causing missed instructions and bad behavior. Teachers often have to repeat the instructions or the lesson…
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In Southington High School, students are given only five minutes to do what ever he or she wants to do before going to his or her next class. However, sometimes students are unable to aquire any of his or her needs because other students are keeping him or her from doing it. Rules against Public Display of Affection should be enforced because it causes a huge distraction. When students are engaged in PDA other student often have a hard time how to deal with it. Should that student look away or stare? PDA can also make students late to his or her next class because lovers are occupying his or her locker. According to the student handbook, being late to class ten minutes or more is considered an unexcused absence or a cut. Also if a student has two or more cuts they will loose there credit. That being said, it should not be the students fault because being tardy to his or her class is often can cause by students who are engaging in PDA. Teachers are also being affected because he or she is responsible to stop PDA from happening, which can affect class time. It is also a possibility that if the teachers cannot meet the requirements of the…
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Have you ever woken up feeling groggy and not wanting to go to school or do anything at all? As a result, many students go to school late or do not academically progress and participate in class. According to the Scholastic Scope article “Should School Start Later?” by Justin O’Neil and the article “Sleepy Teens: High School Should Start Later in the Morning” by Mark Fischetti, many schools are considering starting school later to help students succeed academically. Students have more trouble concentrating in class because they are not getting enough sleep. Some students arrive at school later because they oversleep. To make sure that there is less tardiness and the academic growth increases, schools are looking…
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After the research, truancy offenders in the end had more incarcerations and more probations than other offenders. By understanding the severe consequences of truancy offenses, solid intervention programs to avoid or decrease truancy cases are critically needed. Not by surprise, another finding was that youth with disabilities were more probable to be referred for truancy. One of the main reasons for truancy is the hard time with school, especially poor performance, and the current results sustain the view that children may use truancy to separate themselves from what they see as an intimidating environment (Zhang, Wilson, Katsiyannis, Barrett, Ju, and Wu, 2010, p.…
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In the case study, Marshall Metro High School is in great dilemma over the truancy and grades of the students attending the school. The truancy staff initially spent two hours every day calling every student that had not reported in by 9:30 am. but the data showed that only 9% of those students called ever showed up so they decided to change tactics. Ms. Henry, the head of the truancy office, decided to start calling the habitual late comers at 6:30 am which resulted in 19 out of the 26 students showing up to school (Ferrell, Gatewood, Ferrell, & Taylor, 2010).…
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Don't you hate waking up early in the morning? Almost every weekday, high school students are waking up around six o'clock in the morning to get ready for school. And some even earlier! It's not logical for high school classes to start at 7:50 a.m. It's too early for teenage minds to function properly. Our school should start at least an hour later than that. With the extra hour, our attendance would improve, as well as our grades and attitudes. The facts are there, so why shouldn't the hours change?…
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It 's 8:20 am; the late bell has rung signaling to all that students should be seated in class and ready to learn. Students can be seen slamming their lockers and sprinting to their next class with fear of a detention slip for being late. But lingering in the hallways is an imaginary disease embedded only in the senior class. The symptoms are well recognized by the faculty; tardiness, little to no work completed in class, turning in assignments late, and an overall lethargic attitude rapidly spread from student to student as the end of the school year nears. Unfortunately, the repercussions of their actions are not as innocent as some seniors like to believe. Senioritis has short-term as well as long-term damage on their academic attainment such as loss of college acceptance, difficulties with college level classes, lack of desire to further education and a continued apathetic attitude towards the end of any undertaking.…
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On a traditional high school schedule we only have five minutes between each class. For many students including myself, that is not enough time to get prepared. Some of the times as soon as students step in front of their lockers the warning bell rings, which means once again we are late. Almost once a week students are late to at least one class, if not more. There are a few different reasons why we should get more time between our classes. This is a serious problem to most others and me. Now I think its finally time for us to do something about it.…
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Furthermore, school officials are always complaining that so many of their students are constantly tardy to school. They even have a policy in our school that states, if you are tardy five times to a certain class you have to stay an hour after school sitting in detention. Out of the many reasons students receive an office detention for being tardy; it's usually due to their first period class. They don't get to school on time because they oversleep, so if these school officials don't like students being tardy, why don't they consider having school start…
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Nowadays many students still miss classes for no reason. Why do students do like that? Maybe there is no penalty. On the other hands, some students still attend the classes because they know that they can get better grades more easily if they attend the classes. So penalizing students for missing class will increase students go to school and to improve a lot of good things to their lives is better, and the following some benefit will show why student should be penalized for missing class.…
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One major issue that schools are currently facing and seeing little or no improvement with is effectively dealing with student absenteeism and truancy. My school, SK Menggatal is no exceptional school from this problem. Truancy according to Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary is ‘the practice of staying away from school without permission’. I have been trying very hard to motivate my pupils to come to school every day to study and enjoy coming to school even to the extent of caning those who play truant every now and then. I also explain and remind them that truancy may lead to bullies, snatch thieves, robbery, cigarettes, drugs, gangsterism and crime but it has fallen into deaf ears. I realize that the issue cannot be handled and solved by myself. I need all the teachers cooperation but that is what I could not get yet.…
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High School students are required to go to school and must perform well in the class but some of the students are having hard time, one of the reasons is the distance of their house from their school which may result to negative effects on them like being tardy in the class. Some of the costs of being tardy may be emotional stress, lack of time management, and loss in personal activities.…
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All of the things you have read, I am sure that you are now familiar about the reasons why students are becoming irresponsible about the real time that they are needed to be in school. It is eventually hard to…
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